FAQ - Sainyer X8 Smart Projector

How to connect my laptop?
What format does it support for USB flash drive?
Alternative ways to watch videos without HDMI port?
Why my Apps cannot open or load videos?
When I open the AirScreen App, it shows “Upgrade Required”, how to fix this?
How to Reset or Update the projector?
When I input the password, it shows “Invalid Password”, why?
How many Apps does this projector support?
The picture quality is blurry, cannot focus, is that normal?
I cannot connect the projector to my Wifi network, what should I do?
How to adjust the projection screen size?
How to adjust the 4D keystone?
Why I cannot connect it to my smartphone?
How can I navigate the settings in Netflix or other Apps?
Why it keeps shows “Warning about software counterfeiting error” before using AirScreen APP?
Why it does not show my screen after connecting my Laptop?
How to update the system to the latest version?
Cannot find the APP in both APP Store & Google Play, what can I do?